“Obamagate”: Nur .gov sucht an

Sollte die elektronische Überwachung des Wahlkämpfers Trump auf einer gerichtlichen Genehmigung beruhen, musste ein Regierungszweig Obamas um diese ansuchen. Das geht z.B. aus Title IV, Rule 6 der Verfahrenrichtlinien für die United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Courts hervor. Gemäß dem 2008 novellierten Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act geht das ohne Justizministerium (Attorney General) bzw. Geheimdienstdirektor nicht. Das FISA-Ansuchen scheint noch Obamas Justizministerin Lynch bzw. das ihr unterstellte FBI eingebracht zu haben. Das Department of Justice (DOJ) liegt nicht im Weißen Haus, sondern in 500 Metern Entfernung:-P  

Trump will das Geheimdienstkomitee des Kongresses untersuchen lassen, ob die Vorgängerregierung Obama ihre “investigative powers” missbraucht hat.

Stefan Molyneux von Freedom Radio erzählt (Zusammenfassung der Causa in den ersten fünf Minuten):

Hier ein paar Fetzen (eigene Hervorhebungen):

The back story is very brief. The FBI had concerns about a private server in Trump Tower. They thought, it may be connected to one or two russian banks. Now these concerns had nothing to do with national security, they were criminal in nature (…) But when the FBI looked into it, they found zero evidence of criminality.

I’m no lawyer, but I am pretty sure, that when you investigate someone for criminal activity und you find nothing, you drop it (…) But apparently not under Obama. Rather than drop it, the DOJ and the FBI decided to transmogrify this into a national security investigation (…)

So the government under Obama was using its national security authority to continue to pursue a criminal investigation after it had found zero evidence of crime.

At June, 16 the Obama administration filed a request with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, also known as rubber stamping Yes man (…): ‘We want to monitor communications, involving Donald Trump and several of his advisors.’

Shockingly this request was denied.

This is so unprecedented, it’ s insane. In 2013 it was reported, over the last 33 years previously, the FISA court had granted almost 34.000 and had denied those requests only 12 times – that’s 0,03 per cent.

So in October 2016 the Obama administration tried again. They submitted a slightly narrowed down request to the FISA court.

Now they focused on a computer server in Trump Tower: ‘Oooh, there are links to russian banks a.s.o.’

Again, no evidence is found, but the wiretaps continue. This is shocking and appalling, a horrendous Third World banana republic stuff. ‘Oooh, we think, he is in league with the russians, we gonna investigate him. We find nothing, so we just keep listening.’”

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