Grünes Licht für die Gemeinschaft der Scheinheiligen? Zitat des Tages

Protester_outside_Belmarsh_Prison_with_placard_'Jail_the_War_Criminals_!'“The arguments used in the indictments against Assange could establish a legal pathway for the prosecution of journalists and severely weaken the First Amendment (in the USA), which guarantees freedom of the press. Journalists’ right to report on matters of public interest without fear of censorship or retribution could be harmed.” Committee to protect Journalists, Why extradition of WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange to US would be cataclysmic for press freedom, 29.2.2024

Bild: Alisdare Hickson, CC BY-SA 4.0  via Wikimedia Commons

Ein kurzer Clip zu WikiLeaks & Assange (h/t YT):

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