Über das FBI, kommunistische Mitläufer & Konspirationisten, Zitat

“However, it is the attack on its critics that is most striking. While the FBI denounced critics of an earlier era as communists and ‘fellow travelers’, it now uses the same attack narrative to label its critics as ‘conspiracy theorists’. After Watergate, there was bipartisan support for reforming the FBI and intelligence agencies. Today, that cacophony of voices has been replaced by crickets, as much of the media imposes another effective blackout on coverage of the Twitter Files (…) As for the rest of us, the FBI now declares us to be part of a disinformation danger which it is committed to stamping out — ‘conspiracy theorists’ misleading the public simply by criticizing the bureau. Clearly, this is the time for a new Church Committee — and time to reform the FBI.” Jonathan Turley, When The FBI Attacks Critics As “Conspiracy Theorists”, It’s Time To Reform The Bureau, 26.12.2002

Tverberg zu Zwangsvorstellungen über den Klimawandel – Zitat

“The incorrect narrative provided by mainstream media (MSM) is that climate change is our worst problem. To lessen this problem, citizens need to move quickly away from fossil fuels and transition to renewables. The real narrative is that we are running short of fossil fuels that can be profitably extracted, and renewables are not adequate substitutes. However, this narrative is too worrisome for most people to handle.” Gail Tverberg, The economy is moving from a tailwind pushing it along to a headwind holding it back, Our Finite World, 16.12.2022

Luke Gromen über die schwierige US-Fiskalposition & den “Fed-Pivot”

“Once you get federal spending at 25% of GDP and debt at 120% of GDP and deficits at 7% of GDP (…) by the way – at all-time record tax receipts inflated by an everything bubble that’s now deflated (…) Okay, we need to cut spending (…) Okay how much should we cut spending? Well, historically we’ve gone into recessions with 2% of GDP … debt to deficits of GDP (sic), but we’re at 7 so let’s cut, you know, and actually we’re probably closer to 9 now, but let’s just use 7, we’ll cut 5 points of GDP out (…) At the great financial crisis GDP fell 5%  (…) It’s really a question of how you wanna light the fuse.” Luke Gromen: Ballooning Deficit Caused By Higher US Debt Costs Likely To Force The Fed To Pivot, Wealthion, 15.12.2022 (via YT)

Europa: “Verdorbene Gogonzola-Pizza vollendet Lebenszyklus”, Zitat

“Not that state flags are supposed to be works of art, but at least they can be inspiring. But this flag (EU) is completely flat, unoriginal, and depressing. It looks mostly like a blue cheese pizza gone bad (…) It is the conclusion of a thousand-year cycle that’s coming to an end. It was probably unavoidable, but that doesn’t make it less painful. ” Ugo Bardi, The End of Europe: The Conclusion of a Long Historical Cycle, The Seneca Effect, 12.12.2022
[Read more...]

Ein “feindlicher Bruder” über die Weltbeherrschungs-Sekte v. Davos

“The Party at Davos is under the impression that they are the vanguard of neo-Darwinist evolution – when it’s looking instead like they are functionaries of a larger morphic field that is distinctly Luciferian or Ahrimanic in character. This field encapsulates transhumanism, techno-Marxism, technocracy and social credit.” Mark E. Jeftovic, The WEF isn’t a cabal, it’s a cult. World Domination in An Age for Lucifer [Read more...]

Ruf nach parlamentarischen COVID-Ausschüssen i. d. USA, Zitat

“The GOP promised COVID investigations if the party retook the House. It accomplished that (barely). Now it’s time to deliver the goods (…) Here are five investigations the new 118th Congress needs to launch on Day One – no delays, no equivocations, no excuses (…) Investigation #1: COVID origins (…) Investigation #2: Vaccine payoffs (…) Investigation #3: First Amendment violation (…) Investigation #4: Unconstitutional vaxx mandates (…) Investigation #5: Legal immunity from liability for pharmaceutical corporations.” Five COVID Investigations the GOP House Needs to Launch on Day One, The Daily Bell, 18.11.2022

Über die Zunahme von chronischer Krankheit, Übersterblichkeit in UK

“1.430 more people dying than you would expect (in week ending 28 October 2022). Combine this with the 363.000 people who’ve gone to longterm sickness (…) and this really is a health tragedy for the United Kingdom. Terrible deterioration in the health of the nation. Alarming. Obviously you would expect this to be all over (according to) mainstream media (…) Good news on the Covid front, bad news on the excess deaths front, bad news on the morbidity and mortality front.” Dr. John Campbell, Long term sickness increases (YT)

Über Zensur und Unterdrückung “dissidenter Covid-Ärzte” – Zitat

“To counter the perceived threat from doctors and scientists who challenge the official position of governmental and intergovernmental health authorities, some supporters of this orthodoxy have moved to censor those who promote dissenting views (…) Our findings point to the central role played by media organizations, and especially by information technology companies, in attempting to stifle debate over COVID-19 policy and measures. In the effort to silence alternative voices, widespread use was made not only of censorship, but of tactics of suppression that damaged the reputations and careers of dissenting doctors and scientists, regardless of their academic or medical status and regardless of their stature prior to expressing a contrary position.” Yaffa Shir-Raz, Ety Elisha, Brian Martin, Natti Ronel & Josh Guetzkow, Minerva (2022), Censorship and Suppression of Covid-19 Heterodoxy: Tactics and Counter-Tactics

Julian Assange, “Demokratie” und selektive Strafverfolgung – Zitat

“Assange has been locked away for years in a maximum-security prison in Britain. He is facing extradition to face 17 counts of violating the Espionage Act for disclosing classified information. If the Brits deliver Assange to the U.S. government, he has almost no chance for a fair trial because of how prosecutions are rigged in federal court (…)  At this point, America is an Impunity Democracy in which government officials pay no price for their abuses (…) Pervasive secrecy helps explain the collapse of trust in Washington. Americans today are more likely to believe in witches, ghosts, and astrology than to trust the federal government (…) Assange is guilty of lese-majeste – embarrassing the government by exposing their follies, frauds, and crimes.” James Bovard, Julian Assange and Our Impunity Democracy, mises.org, 7.10.2022

T. Watkins ü. die Werttheorie von Marx (& “bürgerlicher” tutti quanti)

“Marx was right though.  There was something about all of that industrial machinery churning out volumes of goods unthinkable in a pre-industrial age.  But it wasn’t the machinery in and of itself that was the source of value any more than it was the workers.  Rather, it was the massive quantities of fossilised sunlight in the coal which powered the machinery which was one source of value.  And the calories in the food consumed by the workers was anotheralbeit weak – source of value.” Tim Watkins, Consciousness of Sheep, A Question of Value

Dichte Energie & “demokratisches” Polit-Gesindel – Zitat des Tages

“Politicians cannot tell the world how bad the energy situation really is. The problem with near-term energy limits has been known since at least 1956 (M. King Hubbert) and 1957 (Hyman Rickover). The problem was confirmed in the modeling performed for the 1972 book, The Limits to Growth by Donella Meadows and others Most high-level politicians are aware of the energy supply issue, but they cannot possibly talk about it (…) Militaries around the world are no doubt well aware of the fact that there will not be enough energy supplies to go around. This means that the world will be in a contest for who gets how much.” Gail Tverberg, Why No Politician Is Willing to Tell Us the Real Energy Story, ourfiniteworld.com, 23.8.2022

Rozencwajg über die globale Energiekrise – Zitat des Tages

“For two years now inventories around the world have been declining, which means that demand has been running ahead of supply. Energy prices have been moving higher, energy stocks have shown leadership and yet we’ve seen no capital response – no money has been put back into the ground in any of the extractive industries really – and that’s just been ratcheting this market tighter and tighter and tighter.” MacroVoices #334 Adam Rozencwajg: Understanding the Global Energy Crisis (YT)