“One essential but often overlooked ingredient is nitrogen fertilizer. Its application provides an important nutrient that supports the growth of crops. For years, farmers have enjoyed easy access to it, especially in the developed world. That’s about to change. In 2022, for the first time in memory, farmers are looking to reduce their reliance on fertilizer. We’re almost certainly going to use less of it and with that comes the risk of a reduced harvest. This is not a choice but a necessity, driven by a sharp spike in fertilizer prices.” AgWeb, The Global High-Stakes Food Experiment No One is Talking About, 13.1. 2022
Wie man durch Bombardements Brennstoff billig hält – Zitat d. Tages
“The tragedy became a farce, when old Italian biplanes tried to bomb Britain into submission in 1940. The campaign lasted just two months, enough for the Italian contingent to take heavy losses (…) In short, the tradition of bombing one’s suppliers of fuels remains alive and well. Whether it can accomplish anything better than the disastrous attempt of Italy in 1941 is debatable, to say the least. After all, it is equivalent to blasting away your neighborhood gas station in order to get the gas you need, but this is the way the human mind seems to work.” Ugo Bardi, How to keep gasoline prices low by bombing your gas station
Corona: “Impf-Konsum” unter Androhung von Staatsgewalt – Zitat
Ernst Wolff über Fukuyamas “Ende der Geschichte” – Zitat des Tages
“Das wirkt heute wirklich wie eine Ironie der Geschichte (…) 1989 ist die Sowjetunion zusammengebrochen und der Ostblock zusammengebrochen. Das sind die Planwirtschaften in sich kollabiert und da hat der amerikanische Soziologe Fukuyama gemeint, das wäre jetzt das Ende aller diktatorischen Systeme, jetzt hätte sich die liberale Demokratie weltweit durchgesetzt. Und das, was wir jetzt in den letzten zwei Jahren erleben, ist ja genau das Gegenteil.” Narrative #71 – Ernst Wolff – Das chinesische Modell – YT
“Corona in Ö. vergleichbar mit früheren Krankheitswellen”, Zitat
“Zusätzlich sehen wir, dass die Coronawelle 2020/2021 vergleichbar stark zu anderen Krankheitswellen in der Vergangenheit ist (…) Wir sehen aber auf jeden Fall, dass von einem Killervirus Corona keine Rede sein kann. Vom Impact sind Corona und Grippe vergleichbar.” Dr. A. Weber, Übersterblichkeitsanalyse für Österreich, 5.12.2021 [Read more...]
Covid: “Ösi-Denunziations-Anstifter” jetzt weltberühmt – Zitat des Tages
“Abstract: ‘The Austrian medical association actively encourages the public to denounce health praticioners (!) that prescribe horse dewormer being a very very dangerous product for horses only.’” Poster MM in “OurFiniteWorld” [Read more...]
Klimawandel nicht zwingend menschlichen Ursprungs – Zitat
“Now, we know that climate changes over various timescales, we know that the climate is the average of weather, which also changes over various timescales, and we know that the fact that these changes occur doesn’t necessarily mean that human activity is the driving force behind it. We can also be certain that if we commit collective suicide as a species, climate and weather will go on changing, even if there is nobody around to measure the changes.” Tim Groves, ein “stinknormaler Poster”
Über Journaille, “Wissenschaft” und Lehrbücher – Zitat des Tages
“Expect everything that Main Street Media (!) publishes to be heavily ‘spun’. Even ‘science’ seems to emphasize the best possible outcomes. College textbooks will be written with emphasis on long term career paths. Blogosphere may provide more of the real story.” Gail Tverberg, Our fossil fuel energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told. In: Our Finite World, 10.11.2021
Zum (versuchten) Tyrannenmord in der europäischen Tradition – Zitat
“Zu Dionys, dem Tyrannen, schlich/Möros, den Dolch im Gewande/Ihn schlugen die Häscher in Bande./ ‘Was wolltest du mit dem Dolche, sprich!’/Entgegnet ihm finster der Wüterich/’Die Stadt vom Tyrannen befreien!’/’Das sollst du am Kreuze bereuen.’ Friedrich Schiller, 1798
Tyranneien, “Rechtsstaat” & die Auslieferung Julian Assanges – Zitat
“Tyrannies invert the rule of law. They turn the law into an instrument of injustice. They cloak their crimes in a faux legality. They use the decorum of the courts and trials, to mask their criminality. Those, such as Assange, who expose that criminality to the public are dangerous, for without the pretext of legitimacy the tyranny loses credibility and has nothing left in its arsenal but fear, coercion and violence. The long campaign against Assange and WikiLeaks is a window into the collapse of the rule of law, the rise of what the political philosopher Sheldon Wolin calls our system of inverted totalitarianism, a form of totalitarianism that maintains the fictions of the old capitalist democracy, including its institutions, iconography, patriotic symbols and rhetoric, but internally has surrendered total control to the dictates of global corporations and the security and surveillance state.” Chris Hedges, The most important Battle for Press Freedom in Our Time
“Covid 19 ist wie eine Anabolika-Version von 911″ – Zitat d. Tages
“Covid-19 ist das größte Propaganda-Ereignis in der Geschichte der Menschheit, sowohl vom Ausmaß als auch von der Intensität her (….). Wenn 911 groß und wichtig war und Kriege einleitete, die Millionen von Menschen getötet oder verletzt haben (…), dann ist Covid-19 mit einer Anabolika-Version von 911 vergleichbar.” Covid-19 was used and abused by Governments to pursue another agenda with Dr Piers Robinson, Odysee.com, ab 19:30 (eigene Übersetzung)
Corona-Tyrannen bauen “Anhaltelager” in AUS, CA, D – Zitat
“Australian authorities are building quarantine camps that won’t be completed until next year in order to prepare for ‘ongoing operations’ and to house those ‘who have not had access to vaccination’. (…) As we reported last year, Authorities in Quebec City, Canada announced they will isolate ‘uncooperative’ citizens in a coronavirus facility, the location of which remains a secret (…) Back in January, German authorities also announced they would hold COVID dissidents who repeatedly fail to properly follow the rules in what was described as a ‘detention camp’ located in Dresden.”Australia Building Quarantine Camps For “Ongoing Operations”, Summit News, 12.10.2021
“Wissenschaft” über US-Hurricanes
“Die Forscher schlussfolgern, dass es im Jahrhundert-Maßstab angesichts der homogenisierten Hurrikan-Reihe keinen langfristigen Trend zu vermehrten Hurrikanen gibt. Auch die Stärke der Hurrikane hat sich langfristig nicht verändert.” Sebastian Lüning, Klimaschau #69: Hurrikane sind in letzten 170 Jahren nicht häufiger oder stärker geworden, siehe auch hier.
Covid und die Politgesindel-gemachte Gesundheitskrise – Zitat
“The governments of this world and their COVID policies and environmental policies seem hellbent at present on turning the COVIDcrisis into an all-out economic crisis, maybe even to the point of causing global economic collapse (…) While officials are warning us that hospitals and hospital staff are overburdened, these same officials in many states and in the Federal government have decided now is the time enhance this critical medical shortage by forcibly firing all medical personnel who refuse to get one of the various COVID vaccines.” Knave Dave, THE ECONOCRISIS (Part 1): Mandate Madness is Multiplying our Troubles into Calamity