“Record-high office vacancy rates are threatening to send major cities into an ‘urban doom loop’, where falling property values shrink a city’s tax base, cutting off funding for essential public services that only drag property valued down further. Columbia Business School professor Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, who’s been dubbed the ‘prophet of urban doom’ for his research on the topic, told Fortune that we’re close to the ‘event horizon’ of that vicious public-finance circle.” Fortune, Dylan Sloan, CRE vet who advised on $8 billion of deals says 30% of office buildings are ‘basically worth nothing’ and ‘just have to be torn down’, 25.2.2024
Über die Ränke der Bargeld-Abschaffer – Zitat des Tages

“Jeder noch so kleine Schritt auf dem Weg zu den geplanten Bezahlkarten für Asylbewerber wird mit einer großen Medienkampagne begleitet, die vor allem der staatsnahe öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunk mit Eifer betreibt (…) Die Bezahlkarten sollen angeblich die Zuwanderung von Asylbewerbern weniger attraktiv machen, indem diesen weniger frei verwendbares Bargeld ausgehändigt wird. Selbst die von ARD und ZDF befragten Experten sind sich einig, dass das eine vernachlässigbare Wirkung zeitigen wird. Um so schöner fügt sich diese Maßnahme in die vielfältigen Bestrebungen ein, eine ‘Welt ohne Bargeld’ zu schaffen, in der fast jede Handlung der Bürger eine aufgezeichnete, kontrollierbare Spur hinterlässt und der Staat zielkonformes Verhalten der Bürger automatisiert belohnen und nicht-zielkonformes bestrafen kann.” Norbert Häring, Bezahlkarten für Asylbewerber: Migrationspolitische Symbolpolitik als Einstieg in die totale Kontrolle, 2.2.2024
Corona: ‘Schwerer Vertrauensbruch der dt. Ampel-Regierung’ – Zitat
“Ein Viertel der Bevölkerung hat im Winter 2021/ 2022 einen schweren Vertrauensbruch in Ihre Politik erleiden müssen. Ein Viertel der Bevölkerung hat mitansehen müssen, wie Grundrechte via Willkürfaktoren wie „R-Wert“ und später „Inzidenzwert“ eingeschränkt wurden (…) Die aktuellen Umfrageergebnisse der AfD sollten Sie daher nicht verwundern. Die Gründe dafür sind sicher vielfältig, aber der Ursprung der Vertrauenskrise im Hinblick auf Ihre aktuelle Politik liegt im Winter 2021/ 2022, und dem deutschen COVID-Maßnahmenregime.” Aya Velázquez, Offener Brief an die Mitglieder des Deutschen Bundestags, die sich für eine allgemeine Impfpflicht ausgesprochen und/ oder im April 2022 dafür abgestimmt haben, X, 1.2.2024 [Read more...]
Offiziös, grün & übergeschnappt: E-Autos starten Sturzflug, Zitat

“Wednesday’s sales slowdown warning also came amid wider signs of weakness in the EV market, after several years of robust growth. In the UK, sales of electric vehicles rose last year, but failed to make inroads against traditional cars as a portion of overall sales. In China, the biggest market for such cars, manufacturers have slashed prices as the economy slows, while in Europe, sales of battery electric cars shrank sharply last month, falling nearly 17% compared with December 2022, according to the European Automobile Manufacturers Association. In the US, major car companies, including Ford and General Motors, have said they are scaling back production of electric vehicles.” bbc.com, Tesla warns of ‘notably lower’ sales growth in 2024, 25.1.2024 [Read more...]
Herzl ü. ‘diskreten Bevölkerungs-Transfer’ in Palästina, Zitat d. Tages
“When we occupy the land, we shall bring immediate benefits to the state that receives us. We must expropriate gently the private property on the estates assigned to us. We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our own country. The property-owners will come over to our side. Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly. Let the owners of immovable property believe that they are cheating us, selling us things for more than they are worth. But we are not going to sell them anything back.” Theodor Herzl, Diaries, 12.6.1895
“Impfung”: Schutzmacht ohne ‘Free Speech-Dogmen’ gesucht – Zitat
“Pfizer thus not only claims to work in tandem with the State, but it asserts a sovereign power unshackled from the restraints of constitutional law. The First Amendment allows its executives to usurp citizens’ freedom of speech but prevents prosecution of the company’s lies, according to this theory.” Brownstone Institute, The First Amendment, Brought to You By Pfizer, 9.11.2024
Hurra, Deutschland deindustrialisiert weiter! Zitat
“Germany’s greenhouse gas emissions dropped by about a fifth last year to their lowest level since the 1950s, although the reduction mostly came from stagnant industrial output in Europe’s largest economy rather than improved energy efficiency. The country emitted 673mn tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2023 — or 21 per cent less than the previous year, according to Berlin-based think-tank Agora Energiewende’s annual review of Germany’s energy transition.”. Financial Times, 4.1.2024
Nomaden-Kapitalist ü. die ‘Wieselei’ zum anonymen Digital-Euro, Zitat
“Commercial banks will have access to user data but not the ECB. Now we know historically, that it’s just a matter of time, whether that’s built in from the beginning or whether over time things get worse – that’s the promise they make now. (…) Those commercial Banks could always be told, just hey hand over the data to us ! That’s what Christine Lagarde admitted, because the system will use them as intermediaries to disseminate the digital Euro.” Andrew Henderson (Nomad Capitalist), Europe Lied About CBDCs, YT, Ende Dezember 2023 (eigene Hervorhebung)
Luftnummer vs Luftnummer – Digi-Junk der BRICS gg. Fiat-Dollar, Zitat
“Amid the greater de-dollarization plan for the BRICS bloc, and overall digitization of finance, 130 nations are all moving toward a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) which could leave the US dollar at risk. Subsequently, the BRICS currency, which is likely to be announced in the coming year, could only add to the international pressure facing the greenback.Reports from the summer confirmed the plethora of nations that are in “advanced phases” of CBDC development.” BRICS: 130 Nations Move Toward CBDC, US Dollar at Risk, watcher.guru, 26.12.2023
“Unkonventionelles Öl”: Viel zuerst, wenig über d. Lebenszyklus – Zitat
“I have never gone back that far and done anything more than just look at production. But what I had to do for Carey King was to actually look at what was the well performance like in 1950, 1960, and 1970 (…) But what I discovered was, that back in the 1950s and 1960s, the average well was a pretty darn good well in the United States. It was 150.000, 200.000 barrels per well on average (over the “life cycle”). By the late part of the 20th century, that had dropped down to about 20.000 barrels a day (…) Now, 20.000 barrels a day sounds like a lot of oil, and it is as a consumer, but there’s hardly a company in the world, that can afford to produce a well that only makes 20.000 barrels in its lifetime.” Arthur Berman: “Shale Oil and the Slurping Sound” | The Great Simplification #101 (Nate Hagens), YT, 13.12.2023 [Read more...]
Weiter Deindustrialisierung Westeuropas – Zitat des Tages
“In October 2023 compared with October 2022, industrial production decreased by 6.6% in the euro area and by 5.5% in the EU (…) In the euro area in October 2023, compared with October 2022, production of capital goods fell by 9.7%, non-durable consumer goods by 7.8%, durable consumer goods by 6.2%, intermediate goods by 4.1% and energy by 0.5%. In the EU, production of capital goods fell by 8.0%, durable consumer goods by 7.0%, non-durable consumer goods by 5.2% and intermediate goods by 4.4%, while production of energy grew by 0.3%.” Eurostat,Industrial production down by 0.7% in the euro area and by 0.5% in the EU, 13.12.2023
Alte Nazis und angebliche neue Nazis in Gaza – Zitat des Tages
“Think about that: A people, imprisoned in the world’s largest concentration camp for 16 years, denied food, water, fuel and medicine, lacking an army, air force, navy, mechanized units, artillery, command and control and missile batteries is being butchered and starved by one of the most advanced militaries on the planet and they are the nazis (…)” Chris Hedges, The Genocide in Gaza, mediasanctuary (YT), 9.12.ö2023
“Corona-Maßnahmen waren keine Naturgewalt” – Zitat des Tages
“Es scheint, als ob das Erlebte begriffen wird, als hätte es sich nicht nur bei dem Virus um ein schicksalhaft über uns gekommenes Naturereignis gehandelt, das dann glücklicherweise irgendwann sein natürliches Gefährdungspotential durch Mutation und erworbene Immunität verloren hat. Sondern auch für die als alternativlos dargestellten Maßnahmen, die in der Konsequenz einer politischen – und damit menschlichen – Willensbildung über uns gekommen sind, wird schlicht „das Virus“ verantwortlich gemacht und seltsamerweise nicht die Entscheidungsträger in der Politik, den Verwaltungen, den Wissenschaftsgesellschaften oder dem Ethikrat (…) Das aber ist ein Denkfehler. Eine solche Denkweise verwechselt Unglück mit Unrecht. Während ersteres schicksalhaft über uns kommt, ist für letzteres ein Mitmensch verantwortlich.” Katrin Gierhake, Die Causa Corona III: Aufklärung und Aufarbeitung – ist die Zeit schon reif?, cicero.de, 5.12.2023
“Schulden”: Ein Bericht über den Balken im Aug’ von Bruder China
“China is facing a severe economic crisis as a record number of borrowers face defaults in echoes of the 2008 global financial crash (…) The economic strain is also visible in the surge of household debt, which almost doubled over the past decade to 64 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in September. Wage growth has either stalled or turned negative amid the economic downturn, making financial obligations increasingly challenging for many Chinese consumers.” Lucy Sarret, Chinese economy in meltdown as millions default in echoes of 2008 financial crash, msn.com, 3.12.2023 [Read more...]